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※ The Central Park Hotel Sondo provides a special rate to the BFR 2024 attendees.
Room Type Room Rate / 1 night (tax included)
Deluxe Double / Twin KRW 150,000 (April 6, Saturday)
KRW 99,000 (April 7, Sunday - 10, Wednesday)
Breakfast KRW 24,000
* You can book your room on the website of the Central Park Hotel.
How to book a room


  • Please make sure to check the manual below before booking a room.
  • Breakfast can be booked on check-in at the hotel. (Only rooms can be reserved on this page.)
  • You should put in a “Promotion Code” to discount the rate. (Promotion Code: CP9326)
  • You will get the reservation letter after completing the room reservation.
  • The room reservation page may be closed as fully booked without prior notice.
  • Reservation Site:
  • Please click the image below to check the reservation manual and start your reservation.
link to PDF image


※ Other hotels near the symposium venue
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※ Distance from Central Park Hotel, Songdo: 400m (10min. on foot)

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※ Distance from Central Park Hotel, Songdo: 500m (12min. on foot)

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※ Distance from Central Park Hotel, Songdo: 630m (12min. on foot)

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※ Distance from Central Park Hotel, Songdo: 800m (15min. on foot)

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※ Distance from Central Park Hotel, Songdo: 900m (17min. on foot)