All participants wishing to present abstracts are welcome and please submit your abstract via the online submission system.

Important Dates

  • * Abstract Submission : December 1, 2023 - February 15, 2024 (Extended)
  • * Pre-Registration : January 1, 2024 - February 29, 2024
  • * Notification of Acceptance : February 20, 2024 (Postponed)


  • Topic 1 Analytical Methods
  • Topic 2 Levels in Abiotic and Biotic Environments
  • Topic 3 Levels in Food and Feed
  • Topic 4 Levels in Materials and Products
  • Topic 5 Human Exposure
  • Topic 6 Health Effects and Toxicology
  • Topic 7 Chlorinated Paraffins
  • Topic 8 Emerging BFRs
  • Topic 9 Remediation and Destruction Technologies
  • Topic 10 Regulatory Policy
  • Topic 11 Other Related Contaminants

Abstract Submission

  • - An abstract (2 pages max.) should be prepared in the format of the abstract template.
  • - The abstract should be written in English. (*.docx)
  • - It is recommended to make the online submission by the presenting author's account.
  • - Authors need to select the presentation type between oral or poster sessions.
  • - Presenting authors of the accepted abstracts should complete the pre-registration for inclusion in the final program.
  • - At least one author for each abstract needs to make a registration to present onsite at BFR 2024.
  • - Symposium proceedings (PDF) will be posted on the website.
  • - Please download the abstract template below and write your abstract following the instructions.

Withdrawal of Abstract

If you want to withdraw your abstract, please email BFR 2024 secretariat ( with your submission number.